Two Workers Injured on Statoil’s Mariner Project

Graphic for News Item: Two Workers Injured on Statoil’s Mariner Project

Two workers were injured while working on the Mariner project in South Korea for the Norwegian oil company Statoil. This means that Statoil has had three accidents at work at three different shipyards in Korea.

Statoil’s spokesperson told Offshore Energy Today that one incident happened last fall at the Samsung Heavy Industries’ shipyard when the worker fell during scaffolding work on the Mariner FSU.

The other incident happened at the Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering’s (DSME’s) shipyard, that is building Mariner topside modules, in March this year. A worker fell after having stepped on an unsecured part of the scaffolding.

In an e-mail to Offshore Energy Today, Statoil’s spokesperson added: “Both incidents are investigated by the yards and Statoil to ensure that key learning points are found and acted upon to improve safety performance.”

This means that in the last six months there were three accidents on Statoil’s projects in South Korea. To remind, there was an accident in March on Statoil’s Aasta Hansteen project, this time at the Hyundai Heavy Industries’ yard in Ulsan, South Korea.

When it comes to Mariner project’s progress, a naming ceremony for the floating storage unit (FSU) to be deployed at the Statoil-operated Mariner field in the UK North Sea was recently held in South Korea.

The field development concept includes a production, drilling and quarters (PDQ) platform based on a steel jacket – Mariner A – connected to a floating storage unit (FSU), Mariner B. Production is expected to start in 2018.

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