Super Puma Aircraft Caught on Video Leaving Aberdeen by Truck

Graphic for News Item: Super Puma Aircraft Caught on Video Leaving Aberdeen by Truck

Oil and Gas People found this video taken by Neil Cran of ITC Global Satellite Communications on Facebook. It was filmed last week and shows two Super Puma airframes leaving Aberdeen by low loader.

Their destination is unknown but one industry insider suggested to Oil and Gas People that Babcock may simply be moving the aircraft down to their hanger at Humberside due to a lack of storage space in Aberdeen. Wherever their destination it seems like Babcock don’t expect them to be flying again any time soon.

Oil and Gas People reported in June how Super Pumas may never fly again in the North Sea. The aircraft were grounded after a fatal accident in Norway in April which killed all 13 people onboard. A petition to remove the Super Puma from service received over 27000 signatures.

A spokeswoman for Babcock refused to comment on the final destination of the airframes but when asked as to whether they were being able to service customer needs with their fleet of S92 aircraft, commented to say: “Babcock suspended operations with all EC225 and AS332 following the CAA’s Safety Directive of 29 April.

“Since that, we have been working closely with our customers in order to provide them the best aircraft solution to their specific needs.”

From reactions to the video online it seems many in the industry will be hoping these aircraft leave and don’t return.


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