MPs Intervene After Six Offshore Workers Exposed to Radiation
Six Wood Group workers were exposed to radiation whilst carrying out works on-board EnQuests Thistle A platform in the North Sea.
EnQuest and Wood Group advised that the workers exposure was below required notification limits so no RIDDOR report was completed, however a joint investigation between the two employers was launched.
Although the incident took place in December 2016 and it is now over three months on, Stephen Innes advises: “We’ve had very little information communicated to us by either company and have received no answers to our questions.”
Now MP for Washington & Sunderland Sharon Hodgson has taken up the matter in the hope of getting answers for the exposed oil workers. Mrs Hodgson has referred the matter on to The Secretary of State for Business and The Chief Executive of the HSE.
One of the six exposed workers Stephen Innes, disputed the ‘low’ exposure calculated by EnQuest. The risk assessments stated the area was free of any Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) – therefore the workers carried out the scope of works without any additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Due to high winds and nature of the work scopes requiring handling of contaminated equipment, there is a high likelihood that radioactive particles were inhaled by the six man team and as the exposures took place over a period of 20 days, the total exposure is difficult to quantify.
Stephen Innes told Oil and Gas People: “The exposure values calculated by EnQuest were based on an 8 hour exposure on the day the work was stopped. There were many other exposures during the 20 previous days of the contract that have not been accounted for.
“I have been told that I face routine screening tests for radiation based damage to my white blood cell count for the rest of my life, however EnQuest and WoodGroup advise that there is nothing further they can do in relation to the matter.”
“To make things worse, since speaking to the press, WoodGroup have refused to provide me with any further work, effectively further punishing me for their safety failings.”