KCA Confirm Recruitment Drive for 300 Offshore Workers has Begun

300 offshore workers needed by drilling contractor in drive to man 2 new rigs.

Graphic for News Item: KCA Confirm Recruitment Drive for 300 Offshore Workers has Begun

While many of its peers are looking to cut costs by slashing jobs, KCA Deutag, a drilling and engineering contractor headquartered in Aberdeen, is reportedly recruiting 300 new offshore workers.

The recruiting drive is related to a contract awarded to KCA Deutag in June 2013 for the management, operation and maintenance of two Category J jack-up rigs which will operate on the Norwegian Continental Shelf for Statoil.

These two Cat J jack-up rigs will be used on the Oseberg and Gullfaks fields, both located in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, and operated by Statoil.

The rigs will be owned by the Gullfaks and Oseberg licensees, but will be operated by a drilling contractor. Statoil’s partners in the Oseberg licence are Petoro, Total E&P and ConocoPhillips, and in the Gullfaks licence, Petoro and OMV.

Back in June 2013, KCA Deutag was awarded the contract for operation of two category J rigs, and South Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries was awarded a construction contract.

KCA Deutag’s contract with Statoil is for an initial period of 8 years with the option to extend by 4 further periods of 3 years, meaning the contract could potentially last for up to 20 years.

The contract value was NOK 5.2 billion, for the initial period, and NOK 12.8 billion including options.

According to the agreement, during the initial engineering and construction phases, a joint Statoil and KCA Deutag team will be working alongside contractors Samsung Heavy Industries and National Oilwell Varco, that will provide the major drilling components, at the shipyard. This will involve the relocation of personnel to South Korea to provide input during the initial engineering stages of the project.

KCA Deutag is reportedly looking to fill a number of positions, including drilling manager, roughneck, subsea engineer, safety officers, radio operators and others. KCA confirmed that they have started the recruitment drive and expect to have both rigs manned by the end of 2016.

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