Centrica to Cut 3000 Jobs

Graphic for News Item: Centrica to Cut 3000 Jobs

UK energy company Centrica will reduce its workforce by 3.000 people in 2016, as part of its cost cutting initiative.

The company revealed the info in its trading statement on Monday when it said direct headcount was expected to reduce by around 3.000 in 2016 – reduction of around 800 in the first three months of the year.

Centrica did not say which parts of the company would be affected by the cuts.

Staff ‘confused and disillusioned’

Staff are confused and disillusioned, managers don’t know if they’re staying or going and the only word from the top is cut, cut, cut says GMB, a UK workers’ union, responding to the headcount reduction news from Centrica.

Brian Strutton, GMB National Secretary, said: “Centrica’s main operating business, British Gas, is going through considerable management upheaval while trying to implement major cost and headcount reductions which is putting the whole business under real strain and it is creaking.

Staff are confused and disillusioned, managers don’t know if they’re staying or going and the only word from the top is cut, cut, cut. Announcing even more job losses will be a bitter blow and GMB will be consulting with shop stewards and reps to discuss what steps to take.”

Capex at £1 billion

Providing the outlook for the full year 2015, Centrica said it expected its capital investment including small acquisitions to be no more than £1 billion in 2016, of which around £500 million is expected to be in E&P.

Centrica expects to deliver £200 million of efficiency savings in 2016 as part of the Group’s £750 million per year cost efficiency program, with like-for-like operating costs expected to be lower in 2016 than in 2015.

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