Another North Sea Field to be Abandoned

Graphic for News Item: Another North Sea Field to be Abandoned

Det norske, a Norwegian oil exploration and development company, has reportedly decided to decommission the Jette field, offshore Norway, after only three years of production.

The Jette field is located in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. The production from the field started on May 19, 2013, and it was the first oil produced by Det norske as the operator.

The field has been developed with a subsea installation tied back to ExxonMobil’s Jotun B wellhead platform. The Jotun installations consist of a floating production platform with storage and offloading facilities, Jotun A, and a wellhead platform Jotun B.

According to Norwegian media, the production from Jette will continue until October and the plan for decommissioning has already been approved by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.

The reports of this move by the Norwegian company come only a couple of days after the oil major ExxonMobil decided to shut down Jotun field production, with plans to get rid of the field installations whereby the platform will be taken apart and the FPSO will be reused on another location.

Det norske is the operator of the field with 70% interest, while its partner Petoro has the remaining 30% interest.

Jette and Jotun are not the only North Sea fields offshore Norway announced for shutdown in 2016. Namely, Repsol confirmed on Thursday it would be closing down the Varg field as it was no longer considered profitable.

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