Boskalis Heavy Lifter Attacked in Guinea

Graphic for News Item: Boskalis Heavy Lifter Attacked in Guinea

A heavy lift and transportation vessel was recently attacked in Conakry anchorage, Guinea.

According to a report by the International Maritime Bureau’s Piracy Reporting Centre dated July 3, 2016, six robbers in a boat armed with machine guns and knives boarded an anchored heavy lift vessel.

The report claims the assailants attacked the duty O/S (ordinary seaman) causing injuries and took the 2/O (second officer) hostage.

Furthermore, the attackers reportedly opened fire to threaten the crew members and damaged the accommodation.

“Under gun threat, they robbed the crew members of their cash and personal belongings before escaping. Master tried to contact the port control, but received no response. The incident was reported to Port Authorities through the local agents. After an hour a security boat came to the location,” the Centre says.

Following reports that the vessel in question is owned by Boskalis, a Dutch offshore and marine contractor, Offshore Energy Today sought confirmation from the company.

In a message sent to Offshore Energy Today, a Boskalis spokesperson said: “We can confirm that there was an incident with the Teal [heavy lift and transportation vessel] last Sunday when the vessel was boarded at Conakry, Guinea.”

Contrary to the report by IMB’s Piracy Reporting Centre, the Boskalis spokesperson said the incident did not result in injuries and there was no hostage taking.

“In line with the planned schedule, the Teal has completed her work and departed since,” the spokesperson said.

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