Piper Alpha, Lest We Forget

Graphic for News Item: Piper Alpha, Lest We Forget

In remembrance of the disaster of 1988.

They went away at the end of June; they said ‘goodbye I’ll see you soon’.

We never knew on that day our lives would change in such a way.

The devastation was beyond belief bordering on insanity it became our grief and we all asked why why why did so many men have to die?

Our hearts were broken it was so sad, so many children without their dad. And of course the survivors, oh what a shame how can their lives ever be the same.

The next four months what can I say we waited on news day after day. When I think back now what we would have gave to recover our loved ones from their watery grave.

Memorials, funerals, day after day one hundred and sixty seven families devastated the same way. We supported each other we were all very brave keeping our dignity as we stood at each grave.

Twenty eight years have come and gone and yes we know life must go on. Our children have grown with kids of their own but thoughts turn to the disaster at times when alone.

All we can hope for is safety offshore so that devastation won’t arrive at another family’s door. The loss of their lives should not be in vain – a disaster like that should not happen again. July the sixth, nineteen eighty eight no-one should ever forget that date.

Marlene – Wife of John Martin

Oil and Gas People came across this post on Facebook written by Marlene, wife of John Morrison Martin who unfortunately lost his life in the disaster. It’s a very poignant reminder of the need for continuing vigilance towards offshore safety.


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