Lundin Petroleum Spuds Appraisal Wells at Edvard Grieg and Gohta

Graphic for News Item: Lundin Petroleum Spuds Appraisal Wells at Edvard Grieg and Gohta

Lundin Petroleum started appraisal drilling at Gohta in the Barents Sea, and on the Edvard Grieg field in the North Sea.

At Gohta, appraisal well 7120/1-5 in PL492, is being drilled by the Leiv Eiriksson semisubmersible drilling rig.

The main objective of well 7120/1-5 is to delineate the northeastern extent of the discovery and to provide a calibration point for the drilling of a horizontal well for a possible extended well test. The drilling operation is expected to take approximately 75 days.

The well is approximately 4km north of the original discovery well 7120/1-3, and is the second appraisal well drilled on the Gohta discovery.

On the Edvard Grieg field, appraisal well 16/1-27 in PL338 is being drilled on the southwestern flank of the field by the Island Innovator semisubmersible drilling rig.

Following the 2016 year-end reserves additions on Edvard Grieg in relation to a larger oil column being proven in the northwestern flank of the field, further resource potential has been identified in the southwestern flank of the field, Lundin says.

The well is being drilled 3km west of the Edvard Grieg platform and is targeting additional gross resources of up to 30 MMboe. The drilling operation is expected to take approximately 30 days.

Lundin Norway is operator for both PL338 and PL492 and holds a 65% and 40% interest, respectively.


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